Monday, February 20, 2012

Finally - Snow!

There’s not a lot to report this week, other than getting snow! The first snowfall of the year! Yesterday, we got about 3-4 inches of it. It is pretty, and I hope Buckshot liked wearing his warm blanket.

But before the snow….. was a mild Saturday, and Buckshot and I had a good time on Saturday. It was sunny and in the fifties, so a lovely winter day to ride. Buckshot and I got started on our walking warm up. He felt good. Then we trotted and he felt great. When we trotted, we both did fantastic – a nice slow controlled canter, with me feeling good control and feeling united with Buckshot. It was wonderful! When we stopped, I laughed with delight for him!! What a good boy!

We walked through the woods for variety, and the woods were lovely- strong dappled sun reached the wood floor, the trees seemed peaceful in their minimal winter garb, the air felt delightful with coolness, but not biting cold. Buckshot listened and although a few times, he had ideas about which way he wanted to go, he went forward at my direction. Halfway through the woods, I turned us around and we headed back to the arena. Our class was mostly free form, with one rider and myself doing simple exercises, while the third student tried a newer horse. Overall, it was a lovely day, and Buckshot did great. I was proud of him.

Sunday was grey and cold, and after spitting rain, trying to sleet, attempting some tiny hail stones, it finally gave way to old fashioned snow. I didn’t stay all day at the barn, opting for returning home and reading a book and making soup. I really miss not having more time with Buckshot. But I haven’t had to give up much time with him this winter, so I shouldn’t complain. But with a sweet, wonderful horse like Buckshot, I hate giving up any time with him!

1 comment:

Grey Horse Matters said...

Buckshot is a treasure and I can understand how you would want to spend every available minute with him and he with you. Glad you had a good weekend. We had some snow too, I could do without it.